Bio-remediation & Bio-augmentation

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 We also carry an environmentally friendly enzyme based organic products  for bio-remediation & bio-augmentation for:

  • Water clean-up, Waste water treatment, Waste water remediation
  • Process water flow
  • Organic odor control
  • Landfill odor control, Leachate treatment in landfills, Enhanced organic decomposition in landfills
  • Manure lagoons and retention ponds, animal waste
  • Ponds and lakes
  • Fats, oil and grease
  • Oil and gas spills
  • Aquaculture
  • Septic tanks, household odors
  • Multiple other uses

They are also 100% biodegradable and environmentally friendly and are manufactured using renewable and sustainable material sources.

The products are a blend of live environmentally friendly cultures specifically designed to remediate organic wastes and provide odor control in a variety of water and wastewater treatment-related applications.

Our enzyme products are available in powder and liquid form to meet the demands of a number of wastewater treatment needs.  The concentrated powder forms significantly lower shipping costs associated with competitive liquid wastewater treatment products. The enzyme and bacterial cultures contained within the products are precisely chosen to rapidly consume the wastes commonly found in the treatment environments in which the products are traditionally applied.

Our enzyme products are effective in both small- and large-scale wastewater treatment facilities and effluent treatment applications, without increasing the capacity of the facility. Our wastewater treatment products improve the widespread efficiency in many of the steps involved in the wastewater treatment process. As the water remediation cycle takes place, the products help consume the organic load present in the water, resulting in simultaneous odor control due to the reduction of organic load present in the water by beneficial, non-odor-causing bacteria. Our products do not just mask the odor like its competitors – they attack it at the source to permanently eliminate the problem.

Any microorganisms present in our products are naturally occurring and non-genetically modified. The products are environmentally friendly, non-toxic and use non GMO and non-pathogenic bacteria. They are safe to use in any environment including around people, animals and aquatic life.  Our products are applied using simple spray equipment and are effective in fresh and salt water, in all temperatures (both high and low) and over a wide range of pH levels.  The products are completely biodegradable within days after application while digesting solids in most treatment environments.

Our enzyme products are environmentally-friendly, non-genetically modified, naturally occurring and non-toxic; providing simultaneous odor control while reducing BOD, COD, total suspended solids, turbidity, bottom solids and sludge. It helps improve clarity and overall water quality while neutralizing pH.

Environmentally Friendly Products for Dust Control, Soil Erosion Control, Soil Stabilization, Waste Water Treatment, Odor Control, Liquid Waste and Sludge Solidification